Home GitHub Actions - run workflows locally with act even for self-hosted runners

GitHub Actions - run workflows locally with act even for self-hosted runners

How do I quickly test github workflows on my local dev machine even for self-hosted runners?

Write-up also at https://juliusgamanyi.com/2022/04/27/run-github-actions-workflows-locally-using-act

I’m spending more time recently working with GitHub actions and runners.
I’ve found it helpful to test the GitHub Actions workflows on my local dev machine to get quick feedback and to also not populate my git histoy with “fix” commits.

Prerequisite: I have docker running on my machine


  1. Download and configure act and test initial run
  2. Clone the repo https://github.com/juliusgb/til
  3. Configure act to use non-default docker image with env vars and secrets
  4. Configure act for self-hosted runners
  5. Run act with debug to see what act is doing

Download and Configure act

Download act from the https://github.com/nektos/act/releases or clone the repo.

Run act --dryrun so that act creates its default config file in $HOME/.actrc. Since I’m using windows, I’ll use the file path separator.

act --dryrun --workflows .github\workflows\test-ci.yml --verbose --list

Looking at $HOME/.actrc, these default entries should exist:

-P ubuntu-latest=ghcr.io/catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest
-P ubuntu-20.04=ghcr.io/catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04
-P ubuntu-18.04=ghcr.io/catthehacker/ubuntu:act-18.04

Configure act to use non-default docker image with env vars and secrets

The images that act used are listed in a table - https://github.com/nektos/act#runners. What does that table mean?

In a workflow file, say my markdown-lint.yml, the job definition looks like this:

. . .
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

That runs-on tag tells the runner to use the ubuntu-latest image when executing the job.

When running the job locally, act has to somehow know which docker image to use when it sees the ubuntu-latest in the workflow yml file.

  • This mapping exists in the act config file, $HOME/.actrc.
  • The ubuntu-latest tag points to the docker image ghcr.io/catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest

In a simplified way, act does the following:

  • reads the workflow yml
  • finds that the job should run on ubuntu-latest
  • looks up its config, sees ubuntu-latest is mapped to ghcr.io/catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest
  • somehow prepares ghcr.io/catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest
  • runs the workflow yml job on ghcr.io/catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest.

If I’d like to use another docker image, then I update the act config file, $HOME/.actrc, and add the following entry:

-P ubuntu-latest=localhost:5000/my-awesome-docker-image:0.1.0

Now act will run the workflow on docker image localhost:5000/my-awesome-docker-image:0.1.0

Setup for self-hosted runners

If I’m using self-hosted runners, then the job definition in the workflow yml would look like this:

. . .
    runs-on: [self-hosted, my-awesome-runner]

Then I update the act config file, $HOME/.actrc and add the following entries:

-P self-hosted=localhost:5000/myawesomeselfhostedrunner:0.2.0
-P my-awesome-runner=localhost:5000/myawesomeselfhostedrunner:0.2.0

Now when act runs, it will this docker image.

If I want to run a custom runs-on tag against the act default images, replacing the above, i.e., localhost:5000/myawesomeselfhostedrunner:0.2.0 with ghcr.io/catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest would also work:

-P self-hosted=ghcr.io/catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest
-P my-awesome-runner=ghcr.io/catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest

Run act with debug to see more details

Use the --verbose option to see more details on what act is doing when listing the jobs available in the workflow yml file.

  • I’ve added a .secrets file in case some GitHub Actions require a token to do something. To avoid accidentally committing these, add them to .gitignore
  • There’s also an .env file.

The CLI options are also documented at https://github.com/nektos/act#configuration. Since I’m running the code from the cloned til repo directory, the paths to run-github-actions-workflows-locally-with-act.env and run-github-actions-workflow-locally-with-act.secrets work for me. Adjust them as needed.

act --env-file github-actions\run-github-actions-workflows-locally-with-act.env --secret-file github-actions\run-github-actions-workflow-locally-with-act.secrets --workflows .github\workflows\test-ci.yml --verbose --list

The output would look like this:

StageJob IDJob nameWorkflow nameWorkflow fileEvents
0prepprepTest CItest-ci.ymlpush

Run a specific job (remove --dryrun and add --job):

act --env-file github-actions\run-github-actions-workflows-locally-with-act.env --secret-file github-actions\run-github-actions-workflow-locally-with-act.secrets --workflows .github\workflows\test-ci.yml --verbose --job prep

Run when a specific event (such as push) occurs on the repository:

act --env-file github-actions\run-github-actions-workflows-locally-with-act.env --secret-file github-actions\run-github-actions-workflow-locally-with-act.secrets --workflows .github\workflows\test-ci.yml --verbose push

Output looks like:


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Linux - show OS details

Packer - locally validate template for EC2 that expects an environment variable