Home Packer - setup local dev environment on Windows using Packer

Packer - setup local dev environment on Windows using Packer

Aim: automate setting up my local dev environment on Windows using HashiCorp’s Packer

My laptop frequently breaks down. After having it repaired, I have to reinstall most programs I need for development. Why not have an automated way to install everything.

I also want to be able to open a shell, execute commands to run programs without having first to worry about installing and configuring the tools/SDKs/Runtimes.

This TIL’s description ended up as the repository’s readme.


At the end of this TIL, after we run the Packer template, we’ll have these tools installed and configured: https://github.com/juliusgb/dev-laptop-windows/blob/main/images/win/Windows2022ish-Readme.md

That’s a subset of the tools that Microsoft installs on its virtual machines on which GitHub Actions run. I wanted something similar, i.e., open a shell, execute commands to run programs without having first to worry about installing and configuring the tools/SDKs/Runtimes. That worry comes later.

I’m using release Windows Server 2022 (20220710 update). But I’ve removed server-specific settings and tools, such as sbt, that I’m not likely to use. If I need the tool, I’ll add the relevant Install-* script and corresponding Pester tests to the repo.

Getting started

We need the following:

WARNING Running scripts with Administrator privileges triggers an alarm at the back of my mind. So read them, test them. And buyer beware!


To change these scripts, we need portable versions of some tools, like Packer, 7zip, vscode, git.

There’s no one script (yet) to bootstrap everything. To test manually, do the following:

  1. Setup winrm. In PowerShell, run .\winrm\SetupWinRmForPacker.ps1
  2. Validate the packer template file with C:\path\to\packer.exe validate packer\template.pkr.hcl
  3. Packer build the template file with C:\path\to\packer.exe build packer\template.pkr.hcl. :zap: Read the section “more on step 3” :zap:
  4. Cleanup what was added during the winrm setup. In PowerShell, run .\winrm\CleanupWinrmSetupForPacker.ps1

More on step 3

Changes to the packer template file mean re-running packer build. That’s a once-for-all operation: there are no intermediate caches for previous steps to use again.

  • The Install-* scripts use Chocolatey to install the dev tools. And Chocolatey knows whether a tool was installed. If I re-run the choco install step without the --force option, Chocolatey doesn’t reinstall it. Yay, for Idempotency!! :sparkles:

  • What’s not idempotent are the directories and environment variables that were created during installation.

    • That’s ideal when starting from a fresh, clean machine. But have to take more care when running on my one dev machine (laptop) - no immutability.
    • One way I re-test is to manually delete them before re-running packer build.
    • Another way is that when testing 2 lines, and the 2nd fails, I comment out line 1 and re-run packer build, which executes only line 2. That leaves the directories and env vars from line 1 untouched.


Besides keeping a subset of tooling, I’ve customised some to match my preferences.

  • I prefer the tooling to be installed in C:\opt instead of C:\. This meant changing related files, such as the tests and the scripts that generate the reports for the installed software.

  • I’ve commented out some files instead of deleting them. These are for tooling that I’m likely (or would like) to use. Their corresponding tests are skipped.

  • For tooling installed with Chocolatey, I prefer the <package>.portable instead of the <package>.install versions that don’t require Admin rights to install nor integration with Windows file explorer. Some Chocolatey packages allow you to change where they’re installed. For these ones, I install them in C:\opt I use the default or <package>.install version for those that need Admin rights (Git, 7zip) or that need integration with Windows File Explorer or whose installer is to cumbersome to change (CMake, AWS CLIs).

Excluded Tooling

  • PyPy because it failed to create the Scripts directory for version 3.8 and 3.9. I didn’t have bandwidth to investigate and fix. Besides, Python’s installation worked. Excluding PyPy also meant removing the corresponding tests in Toolset.Tests.ps1 and from the the toolset-2022.json (the tests use it as input for some of its checks).

  • Docker. The installer installs it via OneGet. This installs only Windows Containers. On the other hand, Docker Desktop allows us to choose which containers to build and run - we can choose Windows or Linux containers. It’s better to install Docker Desktop via Chocolatey.

Because of excluded tooling, customized installers, I’ve added the -ish suffix to the file listing the installed tooling, i.e., to Windows2022ish.


This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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