Home WinRM - setup and test on Windows laptop

WinRM - setup and test on Windows laptop

WinRM is to Windows what SSH is to Linux.

Aim: setup and test winrmon Windows 10 dev laptop.

Why? I’d like to automate setting up my development tools with Packer. See TIL, Packer - setup local dev environment on Windows using Packer.

By the end of this TIL, we’ll have


  1. able to run the PowerShell console as Administrator.
  2. Ensure the winrm has started:

    • Start PowerShell console as Admin
    • check if winrm service is running with winrm e winrm/config/listener or PS> Get-ChildItem WSMan:\localhost\Listener
    • if you get errors, start and configure firewall for winrm service with winrm quickconfig and answer y when prompted.

Relevant WinRM components

WinRM is to Windows what ssh is to Linux. I’ve simplified its official Client-Server architecture diagram leaving what’s relevant for the setup on one machine, such as my laptop.


  1. The client talks to the server and the server responds. “server” refers to the “service
  2. The server has the listener, i.e., where the listener is, there’s the server.
  3. When running powershell console as Administrator, we can see the client configuration using winrm get winrm/config/client
  4. When running powershell console as Administrator, we can see the service configuration using winrm get winrm/config/service and that of the listener using winrm get winrm/config/listener

Setup WinRM

Even though I started this to get Packer to work, Packer’s guide left much to be desired:

  • I’m not creating an additional user just for integrating with Packer.
  • Using the self-generated certificate with packer as DnsName didn’t work. This becomes important when manually connecting to localhost via WinRM.
  • netsh advfirewall is an old command.

The best guide I’ve found so far is http://woshub.com/powershell-remoting-over-https. Complement it with the Microsoft docs.

That I’ve used. The script, https://github.com/juliusgb/utils/blob/main/powershell/SetupWinRM.ps1, does the following:

  • Enable PowerShell remoting.
  • Generate a self-signed SSL certificate using the computer’s name ($env:COMPUTERNAME) as hostname and save it the local (client) truststore.
  • Create WinRM SSL listener and bind the self-signed SSL certificate to it.
  • Create a Windows Firewall rule that allows WinRM HTTPS traffic.
  • Make WinRM client connections accept unencrypted traffic. Since it’s my laptop, I can take the risk.
  • Export the self-signed SSL certificate as a .cer file
  • Import the self-signed SSL certificate into the root (server) truststore.

Manually check certificates

  1. check that the self-signed SSL certificate was saved in local (client) truststore.

    • on start, search Certificate -> click on pop up.
    • top level certificate icon should show “Certificate - Local Computer”
    • click Own Certificates -> Certificates -> One should be in there
    • Select it and check that the Issued by matches the computer name.
  2. check that self-signed SSL certificate was imported in root truststore.

    • on start, type regedit -> click on pop up.
    • navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\ROOT\Certificates
    • look for the directory that matches the certificate thumnprint.
    • To find the Certificates’ thumbprint, run in PowerShell Get-ChildItem -Path 'Cert:\LocalMachineKey\My' | Where-Object Issuer -eq "CN=$env:COMPUTERNAME"

Manually connect to localhost using WinRM

Open another PowerShell console and run the following: Remember to substitute juliusg with your details

PS> $SessionOption = New-PSSessionOption -SkipCNCheck
PS> Enter-PSSession -Computername $env:COMPUTERNAME -UseSSL -Credential juliusg -SessionOption $SessionOption

A pop-up appears, asking for your credentials. Afterwards, the PowerShell console looks like this:

[LAPTOP-Name]: PS: C:\Users\juliusg\Documents> 

Type exit to quit the WinRM connection to the local machine.


The cleanup script, https://github.com/juliusgb/utils/blob/main/powershell/CleanupWinRMSetup.ps1, does the following:

  • Removes the self-signed SSL certificate from local truststore.
  • Removes WinRM HTTPS firewall rule.
  • Restores default settings: WinRM client configurations don’t allow unencrypted connections.
  • Removes the self-signed SSL certificate from root (server’s) truststore.
  • Deletes imported certificate .cer file from the C:\tmp\winrm-prep directory.


This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

Packer - setup local dev environment on Windows using Packer

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